Customer Teamwork Questionnaire

it down with one customer at a time and use the Customer Teamwork Questionnaire to see how well you are doing as a team. Each of you should fill out a copy of the questionnaire beforehand, and then discuss each question , concentrating on those questions where there is a wide difference in ratings and those where ratings are low. This should open up a candid discussion about your relationship and way to improve it. (This works best if you have a limited number of customers, or major customers that warrant lots of attention.)

1. Overall, how well do you understand each other’s business?
Very Well
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
Not Well
2. How openly can you discuss problems together
Very Openly
4 3
Fairly Openly
2 1
Not Openly
3. How well do you work together to find solutions to problems?
Very Well
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
Not Well
4. To what extent do you feel a spirit of cooperation and teamwork in working together?
To a great extent
4 3
2 1
Not much at all
5. How good are you at bringing disagreement out in the open and discussing it together constructively?
Very Good
4 3
Fairly Good
2 1
Not Good
6. How well do you listen to each other
4 3
Pretty Well
2 1
Don’t Listen
7. What is your attitude towards each other?
Like working together
4 3
2 1
Hard to do business with
8. How well do you exchange product information?
Very well
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
Not Very Well
9. How much empathy do you feel toward each other?
A Great Deal
4 3
2 1
Not Much
10. How well do you solve problems together?
Very Well
4 3
Reasonably Well
2 1
We Don’t
11. How well do you come up with new ideas together?
Come Up with May
4 3
Find Some
2 1
Kill Ideas Off Fast
12. How often do you find ways to improve teamwork
Very Often
4 3
Fairly Often
2 1
Not Often
13. How well does the company satisfy needs for quality?
Very Well
4 3
Pretty Well
2 1
Could be a Lot Better
14. How well does the company satisfy needs for service?
Very Well
4 3
Reasonably Well
2 1
Not Well
15. How well does the company satisfy needs for value?
Very Well
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
A Long Way to Go
16. Overall, how well do you work together as a team
Very Well
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
Not Well



16-32 Mud wrestling.
33-38 You’ll have to struggle to become a team.
49-64 On the right track. Chance to become a great team.
65-80 Model of great customer teamwork.