World Class Service

 World Class Service: Don’t Give your Customers a ‘Definite Maybe’   by Peter Cheales   Business people in South Africa overdose on promises, particularly when it concerns service. But a promise isn’t an irrevocable...

Someone’s Changed the Rules

 Someone’s Changed the Rules   by Peter Cheales   The Pursuit of Wealth The rise of ‘middle class’ values since World War Two (1946 – 1986) Business growth and expansion: An abundance of natural resources; the ability to...

Worker Empowerment Pays Off

 Worker Empowerment Pays Off  Put your whole company in Customer Service Mode by Peter Cheales   Discreetly scouting around any company will quickly tell you the quality of service you can expect and whether the business is destined for success or...

Signs of Excellence

 Signs of Excellence  A Promise to Deliver by Peter Cheales   When Matisse, Picasso or Van Gogh completed a painting they were proud of, they signed it. Their signatures were the buyers’ guarantees of quality. When you manufacture a product...