How well does your team work?

Take a look at the team you are on now. Use the assessment below to determine how well the team functions and to pinpoint areas for improvement. Use this questionnaire periodically with team members to check on the team’s progress and plan for improvement.

1. How clear is the mission of the team – why the team exists?
Very Clear
4 3
Fairly Clear
2 1
2. How well do members of the team agree on goals – what the team is suppose to do?
Very Well
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
Didn’t Bother to discuss Goals
3. How well does your team focus its time and energy on meeting its goals?
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
Unfocused, Wanders
4. How well does your team decide who does what?
Very Well
4 3
Fairly Well
2 1
Keystone Kops
5. How good are team members at disagreeing openly and constructively
Very Good
4 3
Fairly Good
2 1
A Brawl
6. How well does the team get everyone involved?
Everyone Contributes
4 3
Some Talk More Than Others
2 1
A Few Dominate, Others Say Nothing
7. How well does the team protect new ideas?
Very Well
4 3
Pretty Well
2 1
Kill Them Off Promptly
8. To what extent do team members have the information they need?
Have it All
4 3
Have Most
2 1
In the Dark
9. How good is the spirit of cooperation?
Very Good
4 3
Pretty Good
2 1
10. How good is the team at getting things done?
Very Good
4 3
Pretty Good
2 1
Does Nothing



10-20 This may be a collection of people, but it’s not a team.
21-30 Pretty weak, The group may get some things done, but with a great struggle
31-40 Your are approaching teamhood. With a little effort, the team could be great.
41-50 Gold Medal winner.